The University of Georgia offers graduate programs leading to professional personnel certification at the master’s, specialist, and doctoral levels in some 40 different teaching, administrative, supervisory, and school service fields.
The degrees Master of Education and Master of Arts (Education) include both teaching and professional courses for fifth-year certification. Students who complete a Master of Arts degree may meet certification requirements by taking professional courses in education.
A 48 semester-hour program leading to Level 5 certification is available for students holding a baccalaureate degree which meets the teaching field requirements at the Level 4 level in art education, social science education, science education, and language education. The program allows two options, one leading to Level 4 certification upon completion of Phase I courses and subsequently to Level 5 certification, and the other leading directly to Level 5 certification upon completion of the entire program.
Specific course requirements for graduate certification may be obtained by contacting the appropriate department within the College of Education. In addition to completing prescribed academic work, individuals applying for initial teacher certification must present passing scores on Praxis I academic skills test in reading, mathematics, and writing. Individuals are exempt from this requirement if they have earned qualifying scores on any of these tests: SAT total score 1000 (with at least 480V and 520M); GRE total score 1030 (with at least 490V and 540Q); or ACT total score 22 (with at least 21V and 22M). An applicant must also earn satisfactory scores on the Praxis D (Subject Assessment) in the appropriate subject areas before an application can be submitted. Applications for evaluation, professional certificates, and Praxis I and H registration packets and study guides are available from the Associate Dean’s Office, G-10 Aderhold Hall. For further information on certification programs, please contact the appropriate department in the College of Education.