The Office of Student Success & Well-being provides holistic support to graduate students at all stages and on all campuses, including online students. Modeled on UGA’s Five Dimensions of Well-being (PurposeCommunitySocialPhysical, and Financial), and with a focus on meeting the unique needs of today’s graduate students, our programming is offered both in-person and online and is taught by current graduate students as well as campus partners. For more information, please see here.

The Graduate School can assist you in your student success efforts:


Offer a Professional and/or Personal Development Workshop

Faculty can host workshops as part of orientation, socializations and trainings, and for other professional/personal development offerings.  View the list of available workshops.


Graduate Retention and Inclusion Grants

The Graduate Retention and Inclusion Grants allocation is a funding mechanism that serves the overall goal of promoting increased graduate enrollment and degree completion, with an emphasis on the retention of students from historically underrepresented / underserved populations in their field, including first-generation and rural college students.

Below are examples of awarded submissions for the 2024-2025 cycle:


For more information about our programming, please email


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