These brief video tutorials are designed to introduce administrative users in the graduate programs to the use of GradSlate for graduate admission application review and tracking.
GradSlate 101: Beginner's Introduction to GradSlate
This is a beginner’s introduction to GradSlate, UGA’s online system for recruiting/application/admission of graduate students to pursuing graduate education. Viewers are introduced to the workflows and Persons, Applications, and Users datasets that make up GradSlate and how they are interrelated.
GradSlate 101: Roles & Populations
This video describes how GradSlate Users are assigned Roles with Permissions that control their access to datasets. Some Roles are unrestricted (global), but some are restricted to specific Populations of dataset records, so Users only see the Applications to relevant graduate programs.
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Orientation
This tutorial is a quick introduction to program-level graduate application review in GradSlate. It defines the program administrator Roles, introduces the GradSlate KnowledgeBase, and covers the Programs tab of the GradSlate homepage.
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Reader Intro
This tutorial introduces program administrators to the Reader workflow where program review of applications occurs.
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Program Coordinator Role, part 1
This tutorial is the first in a series to introduce new Program Coordinators or those new to GradSlate to the tasks associated with this Role. It summarizes what needs to happen in preparation for Program Review and what tasks need to be performed during and after Program Review. Specific attention is given to how GradSlate encodes Programs and Areas of Emphasis into Populations and how to request that specific start Terms are offered to applicants to your Program(s).
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Program Coordinator Role, part 2
This tutorial is part 2 of a series that introduces new Program Coordinators or those who are new to GradSlate to their Role in the program application review process. It provides guidance for how to design and manage a program review process using the GradSlate Reader.
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Program Coordinator Role, part 3
This tutorial covers how Program Coordinators can choose to customize the Program Reviewer Evaluation Form used for application review in the GradSlate Reader. It also shows how to identify the graduate programs under the Program Coordinators purview and find more detail about any graduate program in GradSlate.
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Application Detail
This introduces the Application tab of the Person Record, where all the detail about a specific Application can be found. It also walks through other Tabs on the Person Record to provide context. Creating an Application pdf is discussed. The global search is mentioned.
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Application Reader Review
The use of the GradSlate Reader workflow for graduate application review is summarized. The Review Form used by Program Reviewers (and Coordinators) is described and the Bins used in the application review workflow are shown.
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Program Coodinator Recommendation
The final stage of program review is the Program Recommendation submitted by the Program Coordinator. This tutorial walks through the process for making that recommendation.
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Program Role Management
Program Coordinators are responsible for managing which Users are assigned which Roles within their Populations. This tutorial describes how to view these Roles and how to add or remove Users from the Roles (Program Reader, Program Reviewer, Program Coordinator, Recruiter, Graduate Coordinator Assistant).
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Tracking Applications, part 1
This tutorial demonstrates two Reports available on the Programs tab of the GradSlate homepage that can provide a high-level view of the flow of Applications through both Program review and Graduate School decisions.
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Tracking Applications, part 2
This tutorial introduces two Queries on the Programs tab of the GradSlate homepage that provide detailed data about: (1) Applications that have yet to receive a Program Recommendation; (2) All Applications in the User’s Populations at any stage of the application/admission workflow.
GradSlate 101: Program Review: Tracking Applications, part 3
Three more Queries available in the Application Review panel of the Programs tab on the GradSlate homepage are introduced. These provide information about new Materials received, Program Reviewer evaluations, and letters of recommendation received.
GradSlate 101: Tips, Tricks, & Shortcuts for Program Coordinators
Some miscellaneous tips and shortcuts that may help your program application review to be more efficient.
GradSlate 101: Program Coordinator Portal
This tutorial introduces the viewer to the Program Coordinator Portal, the one-stop shop for accessing everything a Program Coordinator needs to do or see in GradSlate.
- Faculty & Staff
- Administrative Logins
- Academic Resources
- Graduate Policies
- New Graduate Program Proposals
- Graduate Faculty Mentoring
- Graduate Coordinator Resources
- Graduate Council
- Graduate Student Funding
- Graduate Program Faculty Information
- Recruitment Tools
- Student Success & Well-Being Resources
- GradSlate Instructions
- Faculty & Staff FAQ