The MS in Engineering provides students with a rigorous, adaptive curriculum and research environment that prepares them to integrate discoveries from multiple fields and address problems beyond the bounds of traditional disciplines.
Degree Type: Masters
Degree Program Code: MS_ENGR
Degree Program Summary:
To develop, adapt and disseminate knowledge and technologies for engineering and management of interdisciplinary engineering systems.
The MS-E degree provides students with a rigorous, adaptive curriculum and research environment that prepares them to integrate discoveries from multiple fields and address multi-scale problems beyond the bounds of traditional engineering disciplines. It provides broad training in science and engineering oriented to solving complex problems that transcend specialized engineering disciplines or fields. This degree requires twenty-four semester hours of coursework, including ENGR 6910, Research Methods, and one hour of seminar (ENGR 8950). Six hours of thesis research is also required. Six hours of math and six hours of statistics are encouraged, with remaining courses related to a thesis topic. Contact the graduate coordinator for additional details.
Locations Offered:
Athens (Main Campus)
College / School:
College of Engineering
597 D. W. Brooks Drive
Athens, GA 30602
Graduate Coordinator(s):