(photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA)
Call for Participation: Spotlight on the Arts LIVE Research Competition 4’33”
Deadline: Wednesday, October 12 at 5 PM
This competition highlights UGA student research in the arts and provides an opportunity to win prizes and to share creative inquiry with peers, faculty, administrators, and alumni throughout the university community. The competition is open to any graduate student, or undergraduate student working on an advanced project, who is conducting research related to the literary, visual, or performing arts or artists.
4’33” Research Presentation: oral presentation no longer than four minutes and thirty-three seconds in length. Live presentations will be held on Wednesday, November 16, from 4:00-6:00 pm at the Athenaeum (387 W. Broad Street). The first prize winner will receive $433. All applicants must be available to attend the live presentation.
To apply send the following information in one pdf document to kgeha@uga.edu by Wednesday, October 12th by 5 PM:
- Name and major degree area
- Name of faculty advisor
- Description of your research in the arts (300-500 word maximum) which can be accompanied by up to 3 images. A jury will read these descriptions and select who will move on to the live presentation round.
Additional information:
- Description should clearly explain the significance and originality of your research.
- Research in the arts may include historical, theoretical, and critical research that students are undertaking either to inform their scholarly writing or their own artistic activity in any art form or combination of art forms, including (but not restricted to): visual art, music, theatre, dance, film, literature, media arts, or performance art.
- Presentation may be accompanied by Powerpoint slides as necessary. Media should be used to support and illustrate the presentation, not as a substitute for it.
- For FAQ and a list of past winners, see: https://arts.uga.edu/4minutes33seconds
Have Questions?
Please contact Dr. Katie Geha with questions at kgeha@uga.edu
We look forward to your submissions!