About the application fee

The application-processing fee is collected to help offset the cost of processing application materials. As of July 2, 2024, the fee to apply for graduate programs at the University of Georgia is $75 for the first application; $25 for each additional application. Former UGA graduate students returning within four terms of their last registration will pay the reduced rate of $25 for the application fee.

An application must be accompanied by the application-processing fee. The fee is non-refundable and cannot be deferred or credited toward tuition. It must be paid online at the time the application is submitted. Applications submitted without the fee will not be processed.

Application Fee Waivers

A limited number of application fee waivers are available only to applicants who have participated in qualifying programs, listed below. To obtain the application fee waiver, please upload the fee waiver supporting documentation as part of your application. Admissions for the Terry College of Business MBA program are processed separately. For more information, please visit the program website.

NOTE: Applicants who select a fee waiver for which they are not eligible will have their application cancelled. The fee waiver is a one-time request and only applicable for one admissions cycle.

After you have completed your application and paid (or received a waiver of) the fee, you may apply for up to two additional programs at the reduced rates (see above) using the same login account.

Qualifying Programs for Application Fee Waivers


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